Sunday, April 30, 2006

Think Before You Write a Sign

I have seen some very funny signs (the ones that hang up in shops and's not a smelling mispake it's how I always smell HOSTIPAL!!!)

Whilst heading from my flat to the RM ..............I pass a down, through, the grind that is Queensway. There sits an Indian Restaurnt. This place states...................... "Take Aways Welcome.......containers supplied ................ ever try walking with curry dripping through your fingers!???????????

In South Kensington I pass a Newsagents where the shop sign proclaims........ "Newsagent we sell Newspapers!!!!!!"

In the Marsden there is a warning sign that states "There are Thieves working in this hospital -Lock up your valuables!!" This is bloody ridiculous! No wonder the NHS is in such a SHITE state!!!! I say "sack" all the thieves and employ more bloody nurses!


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